A sunstroke (heat stroke) is a heatstroke caused by excessive exposure to the sun.
Why do sunstrokes occur?
A heatstroke can occur when the body's regulator cannot keep the body cool. Your body relies on water evaporation to stay cool. When temperature rises, the body responds by sweating. Evaporating the sweat cools the body down. Humidity determines how fast the sweat evaporates. If the air is dry, the sweat can evaporate rather quickly cooling your body down. If the air is very humid, the sweat cannot evaporate.
Causes of Sunstrokes
A sunstroke is caused by a failure in your body's cooling system. When the body fails to stay cool, the body becomes overwhelmed with heat. When this happens, this is when the sunstroke begins.
Factors that may contribute to sunstroke are;
Medical conditions
Prolonged exposure to the sun
Sudden dizzines
s, weakness, or faintness
Sudden headache
Little or no sweating
Hot and dry skin
High body temperature, typically 102F (38.9C) or higher
Rapid heartbeat
Muscle cramps
Wear light and loose clothing. Use a hat, hut and/or an umbrella to cut off sunlight
Stay Hydrated
Drink water regularly
Get good rest because exhaustion is a common cause of heatstroke
Exhaustion is a common cause of heatstroke. For the prevention of heat stroke, enough rest is necessary.