The Stress Relievers

The Stress Relievers are Best Roofing, Douglas Orr Plumbing, Driveway Maintenance, Glazer & Associates, PA, Scarr Insurance and Service Master Restore. We are a group of family-owned companies that have come together to create events with a Purpose that place an emphasis on improving the quality of life for our community that are free, fun and educational.
Target Market
All Stress Reliever events are targeted towards professional property management companies and condo and HOA boards who manage/govern property within the three counties in which we collectively work.
Membership Guidelines
As a member of the Stress Relievers, each company agrees to the following:
- Currently be a registered and approved CEU provider for CAMs with the State of Florida.
- Conduct business on a regular basis in the three counties we all serve (Broward, Miami Dade, Palm Beach).
- Have a designated representative attend all events and meetings.
- Agree to a financial commitment that includes: Contributing equally to the cost of all events (food and drink, etc.), providing raffle items as needed for events (gift cards, etc.), and contributing equally to any marketing/promotional support (banners, flyers, ads, mailings, etc.).
- Have a strong client/prospect email and/or mailing list for providing announcements/invitations through email, social media, etc.
- Be actively involved in community association organizations (CAI, etc.) .
- Contribute donations to our monthly charity- (i.e., canned goods, back to school supplies, etc.).

Charity Guidelines
We believe one of our most important responsibilities is supporting the communities each of our companies serve. Our support may take the form of a cash contribution, donation of goods and services, partnering with a local organization, or volunteering our time. We focus on partnering with grass roots organizations who champion education, human and animal health, and civic and social service.
Past Organizations:
- The Pantry of Broward
- Cat Crusade
- PACE Center for Girls
- God's Little Acres
- South Florida Wildlife Center
- HOPE South Florida
- To be eligible to receive a contribution from the Stress Reliever organizations, the requesting organization must be designated a 501(c)3 non-profit organization by the US Internal Revenue Service.
- Generally, the purpose of the organization, event or program must provide goods or services for low-income and low-middle income persons in need, and the organization, event or program must benefit persons or communities served by each of our companies.
- Our contribution efforts will be focused in the neighborhoods in which we operate. Consequently, we do not support national social service organizations.
As a rule, we do not make contributions that support:
- Unrestricted operating funds of organizations already funded through United Way
- Individual scholarships
- Funds for individuals
- Projects of a political nature
- Individual primary or secondary schools
- Pageants or talent competitions
- Religious organizations for sectarian purposes
- Team sponsorships or fundraising competitions